
AspireCVD (Continuously Variable Displacement)
The power of a RAM truck with the fuel efficiency of a hybrid

Research by two Major University Engineering Departments and an Independent Engineering Firm show that fuel efficiency could be increased by as much as 65% in large vehicles, while also reducing emissions by one-half. This Engine would automatically change its size (displacement) as demand changes. (Low to High Power at Low to High RPM)
Based on studies performed by the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington, the AspireCVD engine would inherently be 50% lighter than current V-Type combustible engines. Current V-Type combustible engines weigh between 400 and 700 pounds.
Based on studies performed by the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington, the AspireCVD engine would inherently be 50% smaller than current V-Type combustible engines. Current V-Type combustible engines are usually 14.5 cubic feet. The AspireCVD engine ranges from 250HP to 700HP, with a maximum size of 7 cubic feet.

AspireCVD will allow the U.S. to stretch our natural resources farther:
  • Less raw material and energy to produce and transport
  • Less fuel to operate


AspireCVD Engine Concept
(Continuously Variable Displacement)